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Lisp/Scheme | 1994-05-28 | 4.2 KB | 104 lines | [TEXT/xlsp] |
- ;; The following is a tiny Prolog interpreter in MacLisp
- ;; written by Ken Kahn and modified for XLISP by David Betz.
- ;; It was inspired by other tiny Lisp-based Prologs of
- ;; Par Emanuelson and Martin Nilsson.
- ;; There are no side-effects anywhere in the implementation.
- ;; Though it is VERY slow of course.
- (defun prolog (database &aux goal)
- (do () ((not (progn (princ "Query?") (setq goal (read)))))
- (prove (list (rename-variables goal '(0)))
- '((bottom-of-environment))
- database
- 1)))
- ;; prove - proves the conjunction of the list-of-goals
- ;; in the current environment
- (defun prove (list-of-goals environment database level)
- (cond ((null list-of-goals) ;; succeeded since there are no goals
- (print-bindings environment environment)
- (not (y-or-n-p "More?")))
- (t (try-each database database
- (cdr list-of-goals) (car list-of-goals)
- environment level))))
- (defun try-each (database-left database goals-left goal environment level
- &aux assertion new-enviroment)
- (cond ((null database-left) nil) ;; fail since nothing left in database
- (t (setq assertion
- (rename-variables (car database-left)
- (list level)))
- (setq new-environment
- (unify goal (car assertion) environment))
- (cond ((null new-environment) ;; failed to unify
- (try-each (cdr database-left) database
- goals-left goal
- environment level))
- ((prove (append (cdr assertion) goals-left)
- new-environment
- database
- (+ 1 level)))
- (t (try-each (cdr database-left) database
- goals-left goal
- environment level))))))
- (defun unify (x y environment &aux new-environment)
- (setq x (value x environment))
- (setq y (value y environment))
- (cond ((variable-p x) (cons (list x y) environment))
- ((variable-p y) (cons (list y x) environment))
- ((or (atom x) (atom y))
- (cond ((equal x y) environment)
- (t nil)))
- (t (setq new-environment (unify (car x) (car y) environment))
- (cond (new-environment (unify (cdr x) (cdr y) new-environment))
- (t nil)))))
- (defun value (x environment &aux binding)
- (cond ((variable-p x)
- (setq binding (assoc x environment :test #'equal))
- (cond ((null binding) x)
- (t (value (cadr binding) environment))))
- (t x)))
- (defun variable-p (x)
- (and x (listp x) (eq (car x) '?)))
- (defun rename-variables (term list-of-level)
- (cond ((variable-p term) (append term list-of-level))
- ((atom term) term)
- (t (cons (rename-variables (car term) list-of-level)
- (rename-variables (cdr term) list-of-level)))))
- (defun print-bindings (environment-left environment)
- (cond ((cdr environment-left)
- (cond ((= 0 (nth 2 (caar environment-left)))
- (prin1 (cadr (caar environment-left)))
- (princ " = ")
- (print (value (caar environment-left) environment))))
- (print-bindings (cdr environment-left) environment))))
- ;; a sample database:
- (setq db '(((father madelyn ernest))
- ((mother madelyn virginia))
- ((father david arnold))
- ((mother david pauline))
- ((father rachel david))
- ((mother rachel madelyn))
- ((grandparent (? grandparent) (? grandchild))
- (parent (? grandparent) (? parent))
- (parent (? parent) (? grandchild)))
- ((parent (? parent) (? child))
- (mother (? parent) (? child)))
- ((parent (? parent) (? child))
- (father (? parent) (? child)))))
- ;; the following are utilities
- (defun y-or-n-p (prompt)
- (princ prompt)
- (eq (read) 'y))
- ;; start things going
- (prolog db)